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We announce new products, live sales, special events and more via our socials! Keep in touch with us using the link below:




NEW! Amethyst Geode Statement Pieces

  • Tumble Stones

    Tumble stones are an excellent addition to pair with your bucket order, or even just to grab by themselves. Check out our Tumble Buckets, in the mining buckets and more section - Intuitive selections made by us when ordering, all stones are cleansed before shipping.

    Buy Tumble Bucket 
  • What's in the Sparkle Sand?

    Our sparkle sand includes a mixture of different crystals and gems. We include a mix of what we have on hand, and sometimes we can include larger pieces, including some crystals that are too small to make the cut for our buckets and bags. You never know what you'll find!

    Buy from our Mining Bucket Range 
  • Druzys, Geodes and More!

    Mining Buckets and the sensory experiences that come with them are our thing, but we do occasionally have access to some fantastic add ons that you can grab, including Crackable Geodes, Druzys, Thunder Eggs, Amethyst Slices, Crystal Shapes and so much more!

    Buy our Crystals and More 

Last Chance Selections!

  • Purchased a Custom Mining Bucket - March 2023

    It was everything and more we could have hoped for we have spent 3 days a few hours a day doing the bucket and going through his treasures putting them in piles of the same ones.

    He just is so excited showing me his special things the second he wakes up. 

    The first night he had to sleep with his Mushrooms. He has facetimed my dad
    for well over an hour showing him all his stones (something that has never happened before)

    From the bottom of my heart thank you. You have given my son a joy I never thought possible. Thank you for being willing to work with me on this and thank you for giving my son the best bucket in the world. 

    You put so much love and care in to this I appreciate it more than I could ever say. 

    ~ Skye and jasper 

  • Purchased a Tumble Bucket - April 2023

    Thank you sooo much! You've made one little boys day! Really appreciate your business and will refer you to others along our travels :)

    ~ Mel D

  • Purchased a Mining Bucket - November 2022

    I just wanted to say a big thank you.

    It was my sons 11th bday on Friday and his sister, who lives in Hervey Bay bought him a mining bucket!

    I had as much fun as he did! :)

    What a great idea, and I love that he got sooo many new crystals for his collection!

    A great product!

    ~ Belle W